#x Problem Solving Questions
Here is a non-exhaustive list of problem-solving questions.
- Pre-read:
- Time and Space Complexity
- Big O CheatSheet
- Worst case scenario to be considered when benchmarking
- If Java is your programming language to solve, here is the Collections framework overview chart
1 | fizz-buzz | |
2 | Warmup-2 > last2 | Question description is confusing. Focus on sample input and output. Count the last 2 chars substring in given string except the last 2chars |
3 | Warmup-2 > arrayCount9 | HINT: Use 2-pointer |
4 | Warmup-2 > countXX | |
5 | Warmup-2 > stringX | |
6 | Warmup-2 > has271 | |
7 | Warmup-2 > altPairs | |
8 | String1 > minCat | |
9 | String-1 > without2 | |
10 | String-1 > startWord | |
11 | String-1 > withoutX | |
12 | String-1 > withoutX2 | |
13 | minimum-moves-to-equal-array-elements | |
14 | minimum-moves-to-equal-array-elements-ii | |
15 | longest-happy-string | |
16 | fibonacci-number | |
17 | reverse-integer |
NOTE: In math division we have 2 parts - remainder and quotient. In programming we use
operator to find the remainder and/
operator to find the quotient- Example Algorithm/pseudocode
Given a number 123
Divide by 10
123 / 10 = 12(quotient)
123 % 10 = 3(remainder)
initialize 3 vars reverse=0, remainder=0, number=123
while(number != 0) {
remainder = number % 10;
reverse = reverse*10 + remainder;
number /= 10;
Finally, the reverse var has the reversed value
18 | gcd-of-two-numbers | Refer Algorithm: Euclidian Algorithm |
19 | armstrong-number Alternative Link: armstrong-numbers |
20 | palindrome-number Note: Solve it without converting the input to String |
21 | Give a string in form of char[] reverse it in place Note: Solve it in-place |
HINT: 2 pointers at front and back, break the loop when i < j and swap chars |
22 | two-sum | |
23 | three-sum | |
24 | contains-duplicate | |
25 | valid-anagram | |
26 | Valid Parentheses | HINT: java.util.Stack (push, peek, pop) + switch statement |
27 | kth-largest-element-in-an-array Note: Solve it without Sorting |
HINT: with offer() load the given array into PriorityQueue(ADT)(Initialize the priority queue as max-heap passing Comparator.reverseOrder() ) and poll() the head k times |
28 | best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock | |
29 | Reverse a Linked list |
30 | Remove Linked List elements | |
31 | Move Zeros | |
32 | Max Sub array sum | |
33 | Top k Frequent elements | |
34 | Rotate array to right k steps | |
35 | LRU Cache |
- Option1:
(Is a Doubly LinkedList in Java) +HashMap
- Option2:
int capacity = 2; LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer> lhs = new LinkedHashMap<>(capacity, 0.75f, true) { @Override protected boolean removeEldestEntry(java.util.Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> eldest) { return size() > capacity; } };
- Option1:
36 | Reverse words in a string | |
37 | Reverse Words | |
38 | Array-1 > unlucky1 |