• final in Java

    final is a keyword in Java. final can be applied to variable, method, and class. In simple English final in java means, once a variable is assigned a value, it cannot be reassigned with another value. Note that final...
  • Java ClassLoading Process: Initialization Step

    Initialization is the 3rd Step in ClassLoading Process. Initialization step happens in 2 steps. Class Initialization: First, all the static members(static variables, static initialization blocks, and static methods) are initialized ONLY ONCE Instance Initialization: Instance members(instance variables, instance initialization...
  • Concurrency in Java

    Low-Level Threading Creating and running threads. Refer. java.lang.Thread, java.lang.Runnable Runnable r = () -> System.out.println("job/task"); Thread t = new Thread(r); //1. new state t.start();// 2. Runnable state Thread States Thread Groups. java.lang.ThreadGroup Example: ThreadGroup tg = new ThreadGroup("srk"); Runnable...
  • #x Fundamental Problem Solving Questions

    Here is a non-exhaustive list of fundamental problem-solving questions. Pre-read: Time and Space Complexity Big O CheatSheet Worst case scenario to be considered when benchmarking If Java is your programming language to solve, here is the Collections framework overview...
  • Many-Many JPA Mapping with Spring Boot

    The goal of this post is to establish Many-Many relationship between 2 JPA entities. Here are some of the real-world examples of Many-Many relationship student - course product - store person - hobby consultant - project actor - film...