• CRUD with Spring Boot

    This post gives a high-level overview of creating REST APIs with Spring Boot. The objective is to create a minimalistic REST API say "/posts" API that performs CRUD operations with HTTP verbs POST, PUT, GET, and DELETE. Define/Design API:...
  • Collections Framework in Java - (In Progress)

    Excerpt from Wikipedia Abstract Data Type(ADT) - Serves the logical form of the data type - Conceptual idea, semantics, operations - user view Few of the common ADT’s are List/Sequence Set Map/Associative Array/Dictionary Stack - LIFO - Has top...
  • Exception Handling in Java - (In Progress)

    Topics pertinent to Exception Handling throws try catch throw finally Try with resources java.lang.AutoCloseable Try with Multi-catch Suppressed Exceptions Log and re-throw or handle and declare Swallowing exceptions - Antipattern Antipatterns in exception handling Some pairs of (Exceptions, Errors)...
  • 9 Basic PSQL CLI Commands

    When working with cloud managed db servers, we might have to query db through the server terminal because in higher environments like PROD the server and its ports are not exposed outside the network. In other cases, we can...
  • Time and Space Complexity

    Terminology Time Complexity - Runtime of a program. Talks about the time taken by a program to run. Space complexity - Memory/Space that a program consumes to run. Note: These are the key indicators to determine the performance of...